Independent Test Data:

The following letter is from an independent study on our Glock Titanium Striker products. As you can see, the innovative Striker design and use of superior raw material allows our products to help you reduce your Lock Time by up to 50%! Reduced lock time means improved accuracy. Get the maximum amount of performance out of your firearm with Lightning Strike Products!

DVORAK Instruments
P.O. Box 701716
Tulsa, OK 74170
To: Lightning Strike Products, Inc.
Re: Firing Pin Alternation in Glock 17
Date: 6/30/1997


I have evaluated the trigger performance with both the original and titanium strikers per your request.  Lock time was compared by using the TriggerScan instrument and also by two different methods of theoretical calculation.  The lock time results are summarized in the following table:

Original Striker
Titanium Striker
Lock Time Measured [ms]
Lock Time Calculated by Method 1[ms]
Lock Time Calculated by Method 2 [ms]
Weight [grams]

Measured lock time is very close to the theoretical results.  Calculation method 1 employs a simplified algorithm assuming uniform spring force and acceleration.  Method 2 is a computer simulation of striker movement which counts for changing spring force and acceleration.  Calculations are attached for you review.  They are based on data which I obtained by measuring the actual gun parts.

The titanium striker is lighter than the original by 59%.  The lock time with the new striker is reduced by 29%.  This is because the lock time is proportional to square root of striker mass.  The 1 millisecond difference in lock time basically means that if you actuate guns with the original and lightweight strikers simultaneously, the bullet is already out of the muzzle with the lightweight striker while the original striker is just coming in contact with the primer.  I believe there is a potential for accuracy improvement, although I have not tried it yet.

The non-conductive parts in the Glock firing pin assembly pose a slight difficulty in obtaining a good reading repeatedly.  About one out of ten readings is erroneous.  This does not happen with other guns and I believe the problem could be eliminated by replacing the plastic bushings with metal ones.

The new striker impacts the primer with the same amount of energy as the original one, but it has a 49% higher velocity and 33% lower momentum.  During test fire, I noticed that the gun 'wipes the primers' with the lightweight striker.  Naturally, the low inertia striker does not oppose the primer flow as the high inertia original does.

The trigger profile is practically unaffected by the striker alternation.  It could be affected though, if the catch on the new pin had a different roughness, radius or angle.  Competition shooters would probably like to improve the mating surface of the sear, which is as stamped.  Any of these alternation would be pure guesswork without proper instrumentation.  Our TriggerScan could assist you in fine tuning the trigger pull.

Please let me know if I can help you any further.  The TriggerScan instrument could assist you in many ways in your business.

Albert Dvorak

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